I want to have chuck read a stereo input file. The only way I've been able to process stereo is to first separate each stereo file into two mono files, then manipulate these separately with two SndBuf instances. 1. Is there another way to do this? I've tried: SndBuf s; s.chan(1) => dac.right; s.chan(0) => dac.left; This compiles fine, but crashes with null pointer exception when it is run. 2. VIrtual Audio Cable for windows? THis is software that allows you to route output of any program to input of others. WHen I install it, winamp can find and apparently use one of these virtual cables as output, however how might one get chuck to use the input side of this cable? 3. I've heard of some sort of new file io class; would that help? Thanx much... -- Rich