On Sat, 28 Apr 2007 16:20:24 -0400 (EDT)
Ge Wang
The question is this: is it possible to compile ChucK under 64-bit linux in a 32-bit mode? (We don't know this answer to this one).
It's probably not impossible since most distros have tools for running programs in 32-bit mode. What makes this option non-trivial, however, is the fact that all libraries that you depend on must also be around in a 32-bit incarnation. So, for instance, you need a 32-bit libsndfile, which needs a 32-bit libFLAC... Ubuntu does a fair job at 32-bit compatibility, but simply adding the -m32 compiler flag does not get me a 32-bit ChucK. Many people seem to be using chrooted 32-bit environments though - this might work. I might look into this option when I get some more time. Michel