
thanks everyone for the replies. Gen[n] and CurveTable are useful I will give them a try. If i'm not mistaken the curves generated this way pass through the intermediate points, so I was thinking of bezier curves because they pass in between the intermediate points and meet only the edges and they are smoother.

Thanks for the code Mike! I looked at your technique and I have a couple of observations/questions. I guess you disconnect the envelope to save cpu when not needed. But you have the phasor in ( .op() == 0 ) - probably for the same reason - which I haven't verified it but according to the manual should still be active but giving output of 0 - so it wastes cpu, no?  And shouldn't be needed to block the input since you use the multiplier's gain for it, no? I usually use the passthru status ( .op() == -1 ) which shouldn't use any cpu. I post part of my envelope class in case anybody would be interested in this way. Maybe too much for just an envelope but in long complicated code I find it really time saving to use this kind of 'secure' code:

public class XEnvelope
    Envelope envelope;

    UGen @ inputRef;
    UGen @ outputRef;

    // default status: passthru
    -1 => envelope.op;

    int isChucked;  // 1 if connected both ways (left-right)
    int isOn;       // 1 if envelope.op() == 1
    int isRunning;  // 1 while envelope is running

    5 => int isBlocked; // if( isBlocked == 5 ) it is not blocked
                        // otherwise it indicates the op status before blocked

    // connect input
    // if already connected, disconnect and connect the new one
    fun void leftChuck( UGen input )
        if( inputRef != NULL )

        input  => envelope;
        input @=> inputRef;

        if( outputRef != NULL )
            1 => isChucked;

    // connect to output
    // if already connected, disconnect and connect the new one
    fun void rightChuck( UGen output )
        if( outputRef != NULL )

        envelope  => output;
        output   @=> outputRef;

        if( inputRef != NULL )
            1 => isChucked;

    // disconnect input
    fun void leftUnchuck()
        if( inputRef != NULL )
            inputRef  =< envelope;
            NULL     @=> inputRef;

            0 => isChucked;

    // disconnect output
    fun void rightUnchuck()
        if( outputRef != NULL )
            envelope  =< outputRef;
            NULL     @=> outputRef;

            0 => isChucked;

    // when blocking the envelope be careful not to change envelope.op
    // elsewhere. security will be enhanced in the future
    fun void block()
        if( isBlocked == 5 )
            envelope.op() => isBlocked;
            0             => envelope.op;

    fun void unblock()
        if( isBlocked != 5 )
            isBlocked => envelope.op;
            5         => isBlocked;

    // being OFF, turn on, run and hold
    // needs to be turned off in the end with 'off'
    fun void on( float start, float target, int milliseconds )
        if( isChucked && !isOn )
            1 => isRunning => isOn => envelope.op;

            milliseconds::ms => envelope.duration;
            start            => envelope.value;
            target           => envelope.target;

            milliseconds::ms => now;

            0 => isRunning;
        else if( !isChucked )
            <<< "ERROR: can't turn the envelope on - not connected" >>>;
        else if( isOn )
            <<< "ERROR: can't turn the envelope on - already on" >>>;

    // being OFF, turn on, run and hold
    // needs to be turned off in the end with 'off'
    fun void on( float start, float target, int milliseconds )
        if( isChucked && !isOn )
            1 => isRunning => isOn => envelope.op;

            milliseconds::ms => envelope.duration;
            start            => envelope.value;
            target           => envelope.target;

            milliseconds::ms => now;

            0 => isRunning;
        else if( !isChucked )
            <<< "ERROR: can't turn the envelope on - not connected" >>>;
        else if( isOn )
            <<< "ERROR: can't turn the envelope on - already on" >>>;

    // being ON, run to target and turn off
    fun void off( float target, int milliseconds )
        if( isOn && !isRunning )
            1 => isRunning;

            milliseconds::ms => envelope.duration;
            target           => envelope.target;

            milliseconds::ms => now;

             0 => isRunning;
            -1 => envelope.op;
             0 => isOn;
        else if( !isOn )
            <<< "ERROR: can't turn the envelope off - already off" >>>;
        else if( isRunning )
            <<< "ERROR: can't turn the envelope off - running" >>>;

    // being ON, move to next target
    fun void to( float target, int milliseconds )
        if( isOn && !isRunning )
            1 => isRunning;

            milliseconds::ms => envelope.duration;
            target           => envelope.target;

            milliseconds::ms => now;

            0 => isRunning;
        else if( !isOn )
            <<< "ERROR: can't move the envelope - envelope off" >>>;
        else if( isRunning )
            <<< "ERROR: can't move the envelope - running" >>>;

    // being OFF, turn on, run and turn off
    fun void onOff( float start, float target, int milliseconds )
        if( isChucked && !isOn )
            1 => isRunning => isOn => envelope.op;

            milliseconds::ms => envelope.duration;
            start            => envelope.value;
            target           => envelope.target;

            milliseconds::ms => now;

            -1 => envelope.op;
             0 => isOn;
             0 => isRunning;
        else if( !isChucked )
            <<< "ERROR: can't turn the envelope on/off - not connected" >>>;
        else if( isOn )
            <<< "ERROR: can't turn the envelope on/off - already on" >>>;

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