My system path reads as:
%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\

This includes %\System32, so Chuck should be in the system path, I believe.  My Chuck folder with bin, examples, and doc are all located in D:\Chuck.  I use the start -> run -> cmd shell.  When I enter "chuck --help" it loads all the chuck info, so I believe it's running fine.  When I prompt to D:\Chuck\examples and enter "chuck" or "chuck otf_07" though, it gives me "[otf_07(]: no such file or directory."  This happens when I attempt to load any file in this way.  All the example files register in "Dir D:\Chuck\examples", so I'm stumped. 

Thanks for your help,

Ge Wang <gewang@CS.Princeton.EDU> wrote:
Hi Julian!

Welcome to chuck-users!

> I'm just trying out ChucK for the first time, and I'm not able to get
> chuck to load a file. If I prompt to D:\Chuck\examples\, theoretically
> I should be able to enter "chuck" and have it launch, right?

That's correct. What are steps you took to do this?

- which shell are you using? via start->run... then 'cmd'?
- what error message are you seeing?

> I'm running Windows XP, and using the win32.exe ChucK (which I put in
> System32).

That's correct also. This should put chuck into your system path. After
which you should be able to invoke chuck from any directory, using the
command line interface.

It may be that chuck.exe is still not in your PATH, it is inconceivable
that c:\windows\system32\ is not in PATH, but still pos! sible. Can you
check which directories are in your path? You can do this right click
on my computer (I think) and select properties, and under one of the tabs
should be the default path - all the directories listed will be searched
when invoking a program globally.

Let's get this resolved! Let me know how things go.

> I'm just trying out ChucK for the first time, and I'm not able to get
> chuck to load a file. If I prompt to D:\Chuck\examples\, theoretically
> I should be able to enter "chuck" and have it launch, right?

That's correct. What are steps you took to do this?
%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\

Note: forwarded message attached.

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