hi @ chuck-users lists I'm busy following the Coursera ChucK course provided by CAL Arts. As a live musician I was hoping to discover how one could use ChucK live (in the same way as Pure Data, Max/MSP etc). We've seen Ajay Kapur (whom I'm sure you all know) using his sitar in a live concert video made at CalArts, but no explanation followed. Unfortunately it seems that the course isn't going to cover this topic, so I've joined the list hoping people can help me out. Would it be possible to start giving me a few basic outlines for how to use ChucK via the adc (I'm a sax player). If you're interested (and if it works) here's a link to a thread created via CalArts and Coursera asking these questions: https://class.coursera.org/chuck101-001/forum/thread?thread_id=1429#post-777... You won't be able to comment but you will notice that we all wonder if one should pass via blackhole, if we should use a FFT etc. And more important, how? Thanks in advance Joe