Kassen wrote:
[...] I don't see why that would affect matters either, this is in reference to the "set" command that also broadcasts a event, right? [...]
It does so in one of the subclasses (the generic one for event broadcasting). Just explaining a little of the logic there: Every time a control is instantiated it registers itself with the ControlDispatcher, which itself is a specialization of the MIDI handler. The base implementation doesn't do anything interesting when the control is modified, but in event subclass it broadcasts an event. Since all overloads are implicitly polymorphic in ChucK, this Does The Right Thing. In the FooControl it does whatever action is specified in the overloaded version. (This explanation assumes familiarity with OO basics -- if any of it isn't clear I can give more details.)
[...] this wouldn't be the first time things went a little odd when inside of classes and you certainly have no shortage of those here.
Aside from being generally an OOP fan, it certainly makes a lot of the things in there a lot easier. Cheers, -Scott