
Not that this helps you out or even lends to your argument, but I've been pre-processing my input files so that ChucK can read them easier.  I have a feeling that the file IO for ChucK owes part of its heritage to the processing of SKINI files, which is a Perry Cook thing.  The current IO methods seem to be ideally suited for this purpose.

But I'm with you, man: string parsing / regex stuff is absolutely necessary to make any sort of FileIO worth our while.

Should also be fairly easy to wrap up some basic C++ stuff into Chuck.


2010/2/6 Andrew C. Smith <>
Hey list, it's been a while.

I've got this quick little script for reading in Scala files, and there's a particularly important part of it that goes like this:

if (scale.more() && == "/") {
if (scale.more()) {
scale.readInt(1) => den;

Basically, I'm just reading in from the file (FileIO scale) to see if the next character is a slash. If so, it's a ratio and I assume that the next number is the denominator. However, I had to go in and un-comment the whole section in the source code. I haven't had any problems with it and can't figure out why it was commented out. It seems so useful to just read a particular number of characters, but this workaround means that I can't share my code with anyone else very easily.

Also, we had that wish list going and no one ever said (at least not that I saw) "regular expressions." But, seriously, that would be so helpful for parsing outside information. And I think you all know how much fun it is to pump random outside data through algorithms. I don't exactly see how the FileIO thing is particularly useful unless there's some way of parsing the data.

What have you all come up with? Is anyone using FileIO? What about a Floss addition? Nice manual, by the way. Good work list.


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