
I've been using Pure Data and the Heavy compiler (hvcc) to make procedural audio for games/interactive media pieces the last couple of years. I just started going through the videos of the Kadenze course. The first couple of lessons, I did what Mr. Cook was doing in his ChucK software using Pure Data... but then I got to Session 3 where he showcases a method of resynthesis using two scripts- one to analyze a sound file and output a list of peaks (frequency and amplitude), and one to perform the resynthesis. I was very impressed with how quickly this goes as you can just copy and paste the list from the 1st list into the 2nd one and you already have a working model which you can then begin to tweak. With Pure Data, this would be an exponentially more arduous process of manually looking at a spectral analysis, filling out boxes, connecting them with wires, copying & pasting for each frequency...

I'm curious as to what the possibilities of integrating these ChucK algorithms into standard programming languages like C++/C# for use in game engines. On the download page of ChuCK it says that the newest versions are made to be embedded in other systems. Is there documentation detailing this somewhere?

Sound Designer for enen
