
I use the linux-oss target, but tried to apply the same change also in  makefile.oss (change order of -l flags) and recompiled (only rebuilt the miniAudicle executable). It seems it doesn't make any difference (on my machine).

Now I tried the following program:
1.9 => float d;
d * 2.0 => float c;

The output is in the console monitor:
[chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 ( floatv.ck)...
1,000000 :(float)
2,000000 :(float)

This means digits after the decimal point get lost before (or at) the ChucK operator, but not during the printout. How is this possible???


2006/11/22, Spencer Salazar <ssalazar@cs.princeton.edu>:
Hi Atte,
Thanks for trying this out.

On Nov 21, 2006, at 3:59 AM, Atte André Jensen wrote:

> Spencer Salazar wrote:
>> First apply the attached patch (cd miniAudicle-; patch
>> <manet.patch), which allows miniAudicle to listen for command-line
>> chuck
>> on-the-fly commands (e.g. chuck +/-/=).
> Shouldn't this be a part of miniAudicle in the future? Seems like a
> cool
> feature to me...

Yep, definitely.  Actually it was a part of miniAudicle in the past,
but it was disabled until we could introduce an easy way of turning
it on and off (as it could present a security threat to one's system
if they don't know its there).

>> Recompile.  Then try adding
>> shreds through command line chuck.  Whether or not the ChucK program
>> runs as expected will helps us determine where the problem lies.
> Well everything looks just fine, both in the console...
> [...]
> ...and no error messages from chuck. However of the above, only fm2.ck
> actually made any sound...

Okay.  That narrows it down a little bit, now I can see that its a
problem with the chuck side of miniAudicle rather than the
miniAudicle side (of miniAudicle).  Just as a hunch, please try the
attached patch + recompile if you have the opportunity.  Ill
investigate further to see what I can turn up.


> --
> peace, love & harmony
> Atte
> http://www.atte.dk      | quintet:       http://www.anagrammer.dk
>                          | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/
> compositions
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