On 12/23/2013 07:20 PM, Steve Morris wrote:
Hi Joel,

I'm not much help on knowing how to implement this in Chuck but I am curious what kind of pitch extraction algorithm you intend to use. I've reviewed quite a few but never found one I really liked. It is a tricky problem (What is the difference between a chord and an note from an instrument with harmonics? Theoretically not much.) but based on the number of commercial packages that claim to be doing score extraction I assume there has been some progress since the last time I checked.

I've been very impressed with Katja's helmholtz~ pitch tracker in Pd; I wrote an implementation in RTcmix but I think it can be very useful in ChucK. I'm not so interested in polyphonic score extraction; I know there has been success in the proprietary sphere but I think that monophonic tracking is sufficient to produce some interesting work in ChucK.

-Steve (aka zencuke)

PS. I've looked but I've found very little public documentation for any kind of ChucK extension capabilities whether at the C++ level or ChucK (ChuGin etc.) level. Most of the support focus (documentation etc) seems to be on naive users and/or beginners. That's good but it sort of leaves users trying to do sophisticated things out in the cold. ChucK seems more targeted as a classroom teaching vehicle than as a serious music tool.

It is of course a very good tool for teaching music coding, but I see no reason that it can't be a serious music tool as well. It's a young language, and definitely needs a documentation push (there is a new book and, thanks to Coursera, the beginnings of a coding community). But the new developments in 1.3 (String parsing, Serial, and ChuGins) have great potential.

There doesn't seem to be much interest in developing and supporting a serious ChucK user community. I'm learning that there are quite a few serious users but they mostly seem to work in isolation. I like ChucK but I'm thinking of switching to SuperCollider for serious work and only using ChucK for quick simple experiments. The SuperCollider community seems to encourage serious users. At least the advanced interfaces are documented.

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Joel Matthys <jwmatthys@yahoo.com> wrote:
I'm trying to implement a good pitch tracker as a ChuGin. Is there any kind of tutorial or walk-through that anyone has done?

A few questions:
- Is it possible to create a UAna ChuGin or must it be a UGen?

- How do you suggest implementing an FFT-based instrument which uses 1024 or 2048 sample frames for analysis?

- Besides the CCRMA paper and the source code, is there any documentation of ChuGin programming?

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