Thanks Ge! I checked the version in CVS, which did seem to fix the problem of certain STK Ugens being ultra-silent-- this one seems to be different with regard to notes hanging. If you run the test code the noteOff messages do not seem to be taking effect (at least, on my win32 with the new build), as compared to best, Graham On Fri, 27 Oct 2006, Ge Wang wrote:
Hi Graham!
I think we just found the problem this morning (while tracking down strange Envelope behavior for some of the PLOrk pieces)! It turns out that I had introduced a simple but rather significant bug into the STK envelope while adding the new functionalities for This resulted in strange behavior in Envelope and ADSR, as well as in a good number of the STK instruments which internally use Envelope.
This is now fixed and in CVS. Furthermore, Spencer has worked hard to post new versions of chuck and miniAudicle. The newest version number is now A new audicle build is also on the way. We highly recommend that you update to this new version.
Very sorry about this not so little bug. Please let us know if the new version indeed fixes the problems.
Best, Ge!
On Oct 26, 2006, at 11:37 PM, Graham Coleman wrote:
More details:
It seems that for the builds that I have, audicle and chuck on win32
the following STK ugens are not totally disconnected, but start very very soft and take a while to get louder?
Clarinet, ModalBar, BlowHole, Saxofony, VoicForm
Haven't figured out what could be causing this yet.
On Wed, 25 Oct 2006, Graham Coleman wrote:
I'm having a problem with some of the Stk Ugens in certain Stk instruments no longer seem to play.
Originally I noticed the problem in audicle from I prepared musical material for a local music competition using ...3 to be risk averse, but ...4 doesn't seem to play the parts using these instruments. Then I tracked it back to chuck. should demonstrate the basic problem-- if you are subject you may only hear one scale by one instrument ( tests the whole gamut of StkInstruments.
I have not yet tested the STK Ugens that are not StkInstruments.
I'm on win32 and using lots of deprecated names, but hopefully neither make a difference.
has anyone else seen this?
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