Thanks Jordan for taking the time to write that.
However I get
[chuck]: HidIn: couldn't open keyboard 1...
and no change with d or h
Looking at your code I gathered I should try 0 or 1. Same result
Tried it in console (not X windows) Still same.
Fished around in google and came to this on the wiki
So by some guesswork I changed your function keyboardListener to this:
[This is the first chuck I am writing!]
fun void keyboardListener()
KBHit hi;
int c;
hi => now;
hi.getchar() => c;
if(c == 68) // d
2 *=> Voice.multiplier;
else if(c == 72) // h
2 /=> Voice.multiplier;
else if(c == 73) // i
else if(c == 79) // o
At first it did not work until I realized that the d h should be upper case.
Now I get my basic effect.
I cant hear any effect from i/I or o/O but thats minor.
Trying to reduce the jumps to less than half/double I changed the 2 to 1.5
It just goes silent
Changed the
2 *>= Voice.multiplier;
5 +=> Voice.multiplier;
chuck dies and I get cpu 100%.