oh, wait, .m files.  Is the data being generated by Matlab?  I haven't tried it, but there's an OSC implementation for Matlab here: http://opensoundcontrol.org/implementation/matlab-osc

Depending on how the data is generated, the simplest thing to do may be to just send OSC directly from Matlab to ChucK.


On Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 6:45 PM, Jordan Orelli wrote:

the documentation isn't the greatest when it comes to parsing data from files, but it is possible in ChucK.

There are some examples on performing file i/o that you can read here: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/io/

There are some examples on performing string manipulations that you can read here:  http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/string/

The string examples aren't listed on the main examples page, but they can be found in the examples directory that comes with the language.  It's definitely worth your time to look through those examples and listen to them.

Do you have some sample files that you could post somewhere to share with us?  It would be helpful to have a dozen or so data points just so we know what the format is.

How big are your data sets?  I'm curious to know if they are small enough to fit in memory or if a streaming approach is required.

If I was in your position, I would probably use some other programming language to handle the data itself, format it into OSC messages, and send it to ChucK through OSC, especially if the data sets are large and you can't fit them in memory.  Of course, most other programming languages don't give you the time guarantees that ChucK gives you, so I would probably have ChucK send an OSC message to request a data point, with some other process sending an OSC message back in response.  In that way, you could iterate over a large dataset without ever holding it in memory.

As an aside, do you have any recommendations on quadraphonic headphones?

Oh and, if you're just starting out with ChucK, make sure you have test headphones to test new code, and don't wear them when learning new features.  I blew out the cones in a pair of headphones by accidentally setting the pole position of a OnePole ugen to 0, so… be careful ;)


On Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Hayden Dahmm wrote:

Hi everyone,


My name is Hayden, and I’m a blind student at Swarthmore College, where I intend to major in Environmental Engineering.  Over the summer, I’m working on learning ChucK so I can create auditory data displays.  I’ve made decent progress so far, but I do have a couple questions.


I’m struggling to import data from cmv or .m files, forcing me to enter values in by hand.  Does anyone have suggestions as to how I could circumvent this problem?


Also, I plan to use a pair of quadraphonic headphones to interrogate spatial data with a joystick or track pad.  Has anybody tried using ChucK for this purpose before?  If so, I would be very interested to hear your thoughts.


Thanks so much,



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