Martin Ahnelöv schrieb:
sön 2008-05-04 klockan 16:05 +0200 skrev Kassen:
2008/5/4 Martin Ahnelöv
: I'm on linux, and it worked so and so. no errors, but I can't play it anywhere. It's my humble opinion that "not being able to play it" counts as a error when we are talking about .wav files...
On Win XPsp1, EMU1616m, latest ChucK, (ASIO-build) I was able too start the VM with chuck otf_03.ck
then from another window run; chuck + rec-auto.ck
let it go for a few seconds.
Quit the VM with Ctrl+c.
The resulting file played fine in Winamp. I do think the ASIO build may have some different flags that could affect wave in/out. I don't have the regular version installed on my XP laptop right now because the regular drivers have so much latency.
Ah, right. I forgot to add a blackhole when I defined UGens. That was my problem.
Joerg: Can you confirm any of this?
i think i have to test a little bit more. a couple of days ago i wasn't able to produce a working wav file. i recorded something (with rec.ck in the basic folder of the examples) but wasn't able to play it in winamp or open it in audition. at least one of my students had the same problem while others didn't. maybe it's an issue on some platforms. i don't have time at the moment to do detailed testing but i will in the next week. all the best joerg -- http://joerg.piringer.net http://www.transacoustic-research.com http://www.iftaf.org http://www.vegetableorchestra.org/