Hi Bruce!
Just a question, before I run off and duplicate anything. I use a lot of outboard MIDI stuff and am very interested in using chuck for glue and MIDI generation. As far as I can see, MIDI handling in chuck is fairly clumsy, particularly for MIDI generation.
Although the days of bit-wise MIDI op days of chuck-1.1 are gone (probably a good thing), things could certainly use some improvements. What, in particular, do you have in mind? If you can send some pseudocode that demonstrates the desired API functionalities, we can go from there.
Is anyone currently working on developing a more friendly interface for this or is it worth taking some time over. Also, is the general push for this sort of thing to be put in core ChucK or to sit off to one side?
To my knowledge, no one is working on the MIDI interface at the moment (please correct me if I am wrong). Depending on the generality of the interface, it could go either core or as a plug-in or library of some sort. Of course, the plug-in architecture is still not here yet (at least undocumented), but we will be working on that. Thanks! Ge!