Hi Gabe! Thanks for catching this. We are still working on building for windows, our process for which admittedly needs an update, as we are dependent on increasingly ancient windows environments, especially for miniAudicle. We released for mac/linux first to synchronize with the Chunity 2.0.0 release and get native Apple Silicon support out sooner. While included mainly updates for mac, we should have made it clear about the windows build coming later. We will boost the priority on the windows Thanks again, Ge! ~~~ Ge Wang Associate Professor Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Department of Music (also Computer Science, by Courtesy) Stanford University https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/ ~ Artful Design: Technology in Search of the Sublime! -- what we make, makes us -- https://artful.design/ ~~~ On 9/27/22 1:47 AM, Gabriele Battaglia wrote:
Hi, I'm not able to find the Windows Installer for Windows of the latest released.
The website report but when you download it the .msi file is numbered