Update: for anyone who may come across this, chuck auto-installs
"chuck.alsa" on RPi. Use that instead of the plain chuck and it works
without installing anything else.
On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Ryan Supak
Hi Spencer, thanks for the reply and the info.
That info about ChucK x RPi is second hand, admittedly. I have not gotten to the point of deployment on the RPi quite yet. But thanks for the more accurate take on the installation process!
On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 6:28 AM, Spencer Salazar < spencer@ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
Hi Ryan,
--silent mode is mostly designed for offline rendering, so it basically runs as fast as possible. There isn't currently a way to have it run in real-time without also having audio, though that sounds like a nice feature.
Im surprised that you are finding it difficult to get real-time sound working with chuck on RPi. With e.g. Satellite CCRMA [1], its mostly a matter of installing the asound2-dev package and maybe libpulse-dev and compiling chuck as usual.
[1] https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~eberdahl/satellite/
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Ryan Supak
wrote: Hi, I'm running the latest version of chuck on OSX 10.6.9.
I've got a program that doesn't process audio, but it does take MIDI input in realtime and it outputs various kinds of synchronization signals based on it.
I originally tried running it with just the --silent flag but chuck was 'saying' that time durations were way shorter than they were. I attempted the same thing without the --silent flag (defaulting to onboard soundcard) and time durations were accurate. Then, I tried using both the --silent and --srate44100 flags to see if that would help, but it behaved just as it did with the --silent flag.
The ultimate goal is to install this program on a Raspberry Pi without using sound at all (and chuck on RPi freaks out unless you install a bunch of other stuff, if you try to run it without the --silent flag).
Anyway, is there a method or trick to make the combined usage of --silent and --srateXXXXX properly measure duration in realtime use?
Thanks for any help! rs
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