On 6/30/06, nitro2k01
I'm not totally sure, but it seems that new macs have ditched the classical serial port, and goes for USB only. And to use USB, you need a USB controller, which makes things more complicated.
AH! Ok, but that actually makes some sense for general purpose laptops these days. I thought Spencer was saying OSX threw the whole way in which Unix abstracts devices out of the window. I would have frowned at that. sorry about that. I'm a bit on my toes about the new Mac laptops, I want one because they are a Nix on the sort of cpu I'm used to and have actual documentation and soundcard drivers so that makes sense to me but some stuff about them is "different" (as apple put it) and I'm not all that clear on what stuff is different and how. Can't you have oldfashioned ports on a usb conection and have the OS take care of the abstraction layers? Anyway, to concence my main argument; ChucK is good for custom sequencers and sequencers benefit from blinking leds. I'm in favour of anything that connects blinking leds to ChucK, preferably without the need for looking up realy complicated stuff though some soldering would be ok. ;¬) Kas.