Hey folks, In the below example (which you will all find in the LiSa-SndBuf.ck file in examples in your installation), after populating the buffer in the LiSa object with the values of the samples from SndBuf, the rate of the LiSa object is set equal to 2. in order to play back normally. Why is it not 1? Why this should be the case makes little sense to me and I respectfully submit this as a bug, unless someone can provide a reasonable explanation. Thoughts? -Mike ----- //ugens SndBuf buf; LiSa lisa => dac; //change this path to your own sample "/Users/dan/Files/Chuck/LiSa_examples/TomVega.wav" => buf.read; //set lisa buffer size to sample size buf.samples() * 1::samp => lisa.duration; //transfer values from SndBuf to LiSa for ( 0 => int i; i < buf.samples(); i++ ) { //args are sample value and sample index (dur must be integral in samples) lisa.valueAt(buf.valueAt(i), i::samp); } //party on... 1 => lisa.play; 2. => lisa.rate; //look at some of the data //returns value at given time, with linear interpolation <<< Std.rand2f( 0., lisa.duration() / 1::samp ) :: samp => lisa.valueAt >>>; //hang on until it's done... lisa.duration() * 0.5 => now; -- http://michaelclemow.com http://semiotech.org