in another japanese chuck community i asked if somebody knows about "rec2.ck" which i cannot find in the examples dir and at last a person gave me the sample he found mm? this one seems to create 2 files instead of one stereo at this moment we cannot write stereo things to HDD? then i have to use sox to combine these maybe...? rec2.ck (not the original?): dac.left => WvOut wL => blackhole; dac.right => WvOut wR => blackhole; 4::second => dur l; now + l => time later; "./wavs/rec2L.wav" => wL.wavFilename; "./wavs/rec2R.wav" => wR.wavFilename; <<<"writing to file: ", wL.filename()>>>; <<<"writing to file: ", wR.filename()>>>; while ( now < later ) 500::ms => now; wL.filename() => wL.closeFile; wR.filename() => wR.closeFile; <<< "rec2 done." >>>; -- 2g http://micro.ispretty.com