Just to clarify, I think you have misunderstood the idea. The fact that ChucK uses a central CVS server means that it's impossible for people to work together to create patches that can then be submitted to the main ChucK team.
I think that may have been partially due to me not being sufficiently clear about what I meant by "decentralisation". I meant a certain type of organisation, not complete chaos. Right now, IMHO, too many questions and issues have no answer beyond "email Ge". Now; it's always very nice to correspond with Ge but aside from ChucK Ge has students, SLORK, he has Smule and there are only 24::hour in 1::day. We could do a lot ourselves. I suspect some things that could be done simply don't get done because there is no clear way of doing them. Also; it's just plain fun to build things with others. Yours, Kas.