Peter Todd
Maybe off topic, but I've always liked the idea of patching physical acoustic objects into modular synthesisers. Like spring reverb, but with arbitrary objects, like pianos... I never did get 'round to buying myself a sound bug... to me personally, if I get audio out of the digital domain, then it tends to be into the acoustic rather than analogue electric. Just a thought, but do you see a place for acoustic transducers in your system?
This is a really interesting idea. I'm very much into the "exciter-resonator" way of looking at synthesis and so of course I like to use spring-reverbs but that could be extended a lot further. Using a channel of ADC and DAC acoustical objects (like tubes with a speaker and mic) could be inserted into ChucK as well... but I wonder if the spring-reverb models could be extended to substitute things like -say- a reed for a spring. This is exciting (pun intended, I suppose), I wonder how practical this could be. Thanks for sharing this idea! Cheers, Kas.