Depending on how HUGE the SndBuf files are, I have often loaded all of the files sequentially at the beginning, before I make any sound at all, into a single SndBuf, not to play them, but to get them into the cache. Then when the time comes to truly load them, they can be zero-disk loads. If they’re too big, this won’t work of course because you’ll exhaust your cache. PRC
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Today's Topics:
1. Machine.add() and me.yield() (mike clemow) 2. Re: Machine.add() and me.yield() (Michael Heuer) 3. Re: Machine.add() and me.yield() (mike clemow)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2020 16:43:51 -0400 From: mike clemow
To: ChucK Users Mailing List Subject: [chuck-users] Machine.add() and me.yield() Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Greetings Chuckists,
Looking for validation on this before I change many, many lines of code: I'm noticing clicks and pops in running audio when I do something like this:
Machine.add("thingOne.ck"); Machine.add("thingTwo.ck"); Machine.add("thingThree.ck"); Machine.add("thingFour.ck");
and also with Machine.remove(idNum); four times in a row.
Is this:
Machine.add("thingOne.ck"); Machine.add("thingTwo.ck"); Machine.add("thingThree.ck"); Machine.add("thingFour.ck"); me.yield();
significantly different than this:
Machine.add("thingOne.ck"); me.yield(); Machine.add("thingTwo.ck"); me.yield(); Machine.add("thingThree.ck"); me.yield(); Machine.add("thingFour.ck"); me.yield();
The same for sporking shreds four in a row.
Warmly, Mike
-- Michael Clemow Artist/Composer/Sound Designer http://michaelclemow.com (he/him)