2008/9/5 Michael Heuer <heuermh@gmail.com>
For what it's worth, I have updated my List APIs to use resizeable
arrays and posted them to the forum at

Hey! This is really nice. I never realised you could refer to Object and UGen like that (I looked it up and the manual does mention Object as well as UGen). I tried to do something this for UGen a few times but I think I always mis-typed it as "Ugen" or something. Thanks!

Hmmm, after testing I found that sadly the following will run (without errors) but won't "fly";
SawOsc s => UGen patchpoint => dac;

second => now;

new LPF @=> patchpoint;

second => now;

It seems that asignment to a UGen doesn't affect the Ugen-graph?
