---------- Original Message -----------
From: Ge Wang
adc => gain g => blackhole;
float x; while( true ) { g.last() => x; if( std.fabs(x) >= .95 ) <<< x, "" >>>; 1::samp => now; }
The above code advances time in 1::samp (duration of 1 sample) increments - you might try different values to see the results.
I tried something like this technique too. Not with the ADC, mind you, but with printing 44 thousand lines to the monitor a second. It would be interesting to see wether the resulting noise could be modulated by adapting the refreshrate of this monitor but on my Windows laptop things got so hard to controll at that point that I didn't particularly feel like doing that at that time. It might be a interesting technique to do modulated with some time-based condition instead of "true", for example as a break or right before using machine.crash() but I don't think it's well suited as a lead instrument. :¬) Kas.