Hi, I see your point, but I was really only doing two things:
1. Editing chuck files in a text editor and
2. Reading the manual to assist with number 1
Number 2 wouldn't happen in a performance, but number 1 certainly would occur, and would seem essential for live coding, at least until audicle reaches a really stable point in its development.
Also, respectfully, if you're opening PDF files or
running other programs while trying to do live ChucK
performance, then you deserve to get clix :-)
Seriously, though, boosting priority is indeed a good
idea. We believe that ChucK should be the highest
priority process.
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Ge Wang wrote:
> Hi All,
>>> I was running the stk/clarinet.ck example. No soundfiles involved at
>>> all. It was usually only in creating and destroying shreds that there
>>> was a problem. Actually, now that I think about it, glitching also
>>> occurred when I would change focus to another program and carry out
>>> some action, i.e. scrolling through the chuck manual in Adobe Reader.
>>> This is on an Intel with Pentium M, running Windows XP Pro with SP2.
>> Same thing here with the PDF file, and I also noticed it when
>> switching to programs like Firefox or N.
> Interesting that it seems likely to occur on fast machines running XP SP2,
> but not not on a PIII. I was also able to reproduce the same type of
> glitches changing windows on my XP SP2 Pentium M 1GB RAM laptop.
> So, XP users, let's try this - run chuck with the --level10 flag, which
> should internally boost chuck's priority:
> > chuck --level10 foo.ck ...
> For me this got rid of the glitches. If this works in genereal, we can
> make this a default. Also feel free to try other values.
> Let us know!
> Best,
> Ge!
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