
I needed a
physics engine in chuck, so I put one in there:

Great attitude!

You may be interested in this;

This is a initiative by Steve(Radarsat1) to allow us to create, share and test user-generated UGen's, to eventually be merged with the main release if/when some are stable, useful and coherent. This is in a early stage but it may still be of interest to you.


That's a sample from my hack in progress.  I just put in Box2D_Lite for
now to get the idea working, but so far it's pretty nice.

Right now all I've got is a Physics UGen that lets you put in an
observer and a sound source, and then set their movement.  It will then
determine the distance and adjust the gain.  Next up is pan for
left/right of observer, colliding events, and maybe a doppler effect
pitch shift based on velocity.

Way cool, is if I understand this correctly what you are aiming at here is a UGen that models the effect of physics on sounds (so basically acoustics)? Or will this be a more general thing, for example to use emulations of physical processes likes mass-spring systems, collisions, etc to generate controler data as well?

Either way; a lovely initiative, I hope you will develop this further and keep us up to date.
