On 21/04/2008, eduard aylon <eduard.aylon@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Kassen,

Hi, Eduard!

I think SqrOsc is supposed to have a fixed width of 0.5.

The manual does claim it the .width for SqrOsc refers to "duty cycle" and unlike SinOsc the compiler doesn't complain when we send numbers to it.

As I said; functionally speaking we are fine because PulseOsc does the job but it's confusing.

SawOsc the documentation states that it only affects wether width <0.5
(decreasing ramp, thus peak at 0) or  width >0.5 (increasing ramp,
thus peak at 1).

Ah, that I missed. That's unusual but not a problem.

As a side note the documentation states that Phasor has, as  well,  a
width member, but chuck complains with class 'Phasor' has no member

Well, there I think it's fairly clear that the manual is wrong, or perhaps it would be useful to have Phasor react like SawOsc does?
