On 20/01/2008, miya6611
Hi, Miya! I downloaded "chuck-".
But --version is as follows.
Chuck version: (Dracula) Exe target: Microsoft win32 http: //chuck.cs.princeton.edu/
example/analysis does not operate :(
Ok, that is odd. are you sure you copied the right chuck.exe to your windows/system32 directory? That would be my first guess, this sounds like you are accidentally calling a older version. Perhaps you are working from a directory that also holds the older executable? In that case CMD will first use that one, before trying your path. and...
chuck --bufsize950 [chuck]: no input files... (try --help)
That's right. What happens here is that you start chuck with a certain buffer size, chuck starts, discovers it has nothing to do and quits. Try; chuck --bufsize950 --loop or chuck --bufsize950 my_file.ck or even chuck --bufsize950 --loop my_file.ck Also remember that if bufsize isn't a power of 2 (which 950 isn't, I fear) chuck will round it to the next power of two, being 1024 in this case. Hope that gets you up & ChucKing! Kas.