Kassen wrote:
Good luck!
I'm not in Denmark but love your lineup and will listen to your MP3's.
I am, BTW, of the opinion that if there is ever a "average ChucK performance" that would be cause to quit the whole thing or at least make drastic changes. What a dreadful idea! :¬)
Ok, I meant to say that I'm under the impression that ChucK performances tend to be more experimental or loop based (I could well be wrong). This project often involves almost regular pop-sing structures, like intro, verse, chorus, bridges etc. and part of what I'm doing is being able to improvise the form, so jump to a certain part or repeat parts, etc. It was in no way meant as an offence, just a mere pop-music-ahead warning :-) -- Atte http://atte.dk http://modlys.dk