I assumed from the model that the reason "now" could change was that user code could be pre-empted to make framerate and sample rate deadlines. I also assumed that loading a WAV file is a lot more about waiting on the disk than the CPU. I could be wrong on both counts..
That would be a interesting strategy and indeed quite clever though the price is of course that accuracy might be lost. It's not clear to me from that tutorial how Impromptu deals with concurrency and race conditions and so on. Maybe I need to read it again with more care. I also found it interesting to see Impromptu's strategy of using slightly different code depending on the accuracy needed as compared to ChucK's way of always having extreme accuracy at the expense of cpu load and potential glitches. Another interesting contrast is how Impromptu uses plugins for the sound generation. I don't think that would be as satisfying to me as writing my own ways of creating sounds but it does make a lot of sense in a livecoding environment where the focus might be on the generation of music more than on the technique on a sonological level.
I can see why it would be nice, even though I don't need it. ;p A lot of rehearsal time in PLOrk this past semester was dedicated to synchronizing the performers because we lacked good network synchronization. So having NetClock as an option would have been great.
Was that using a wireless network? I'm not sure how the jitter of a wireless network would affect the timeserver protocols NetClock needs to sync the computer clocks. There has been some talk about that on the NetClock list but I'm not sure any conclusions have been reached. I could ask if it's relevant to you. Anyway, I do kinda "need" this, livecoding jams across ChucK, SC and PD would make me very happy :¬). Now that I think of it; beyond NetClock there might be questions along the lines of Hans's recent inquiries on how OSC timestamps would interact with the ChucK Shreduler. I could imagine a implementation where OSC messages with timestamps could be used to schedule commands without the need for a shred per command. Yours, Kas.