On 12 Dec 2009, at 21:45, mike clemow wrote:
OpenCL-based ChucK UGens would definitely be interesting...
Kassen that Mac OS X now uses floats all through in the audio pipe line. Wouldn't that be great for ChucK, too - avoiding overflow over combined UGen amplitude 1.0. Hans
On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Hans Aberg
wrote: On 12 Dec 2009, at 19:32, Kassen wrote:
Do these track the overtones? - When checking the spectrum of an oud, I noticed that the fundamental is missing if one passes to new note by shortening the string with the finger against the board without striking it with the other hand.
Well, fft as such doesn't "track" anything.
In a past thread, when discussing using GPUs for getting extra computing power, I forgot to mention this FFT that achieves 144 Gflop/s on the now not so new GeForce 8800GTX: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenCL
Haven't looked at details, but I think it can be used as just an added parallel computing resource.