The command-line gui-free approach can be done in Windows also, using DSrender.exe, which "plays" almost any kind of media. Oops, I've been using that for so long I forgot that it didn't come with Windows but was instead a sample app from a book that I read: http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/books/sampchap/6381.aspx I don't know how good an idea this is but I can zip up the 164Kb executable and mail to anyone to try. -Bill
From: Robert Poor
Michael: If you're on a Mac, and If you're comfortable with simple command line programming, have you considered using the "afplay" command? <...> On 2010Mar29, at 08:26, Michael Hammond wrote: i have a quick question for all you audio programmers out there. so i'm looking for the quickest, cheapest way possible to play large quantities of audio (preferably wav or aif files). <...>