A subset of StkInstruments (BlowBotl, BlowHole, Bowed, Brass, Clarinet, Flute, Saxofony) take a "rate" parameter. Looking at the source code suggests that it's supposed to control the envelope rate, but I'm not convinced. Setting to values between .001 and 1000.0 doesn't appear to make any audible difference, at least for the few cases I've tried, as in: Saxofony sax => JCRev r => dac; .5 => r.gain; .05 => r.mix; [ 61, 66, 63, 68, 65 ] @=> int notes[]; while( true ) { 0.5 => sax.stiffness; 0.5 => sax.aperture; 0.5 => sax.noiseGain; 0.5 => sax.blowPosition; 6.0 => sax.vibratoFreq; 0.1 => sax.vibratoGain; 0.5 => sax.pressure; for (.01 => float rate; rate <= 10000.0; 10.0 *=> rate) { <<< "rate: ", rate >>>; rate => sax.rate; for( int i; i < notes.cap(); i++ ) { Std.mtof( -12 + notes[i] ) => sax.freq; 0.6 => sax.noteOn; 300::ms => now; 1.0 => sax.noteOff; 100::ms => now; } } } The code examples don't show it being used. Can anyone shed light on the .rate parameter? (I was hoping to make a Clarinet or Saxofony with a sharper attack time, but now I'm simply curious.) - Rob