Yes, I've seen the same thing.

It's fine on my XP-SP1 laptop but on my GF's desktop (XP-SP2) the same thing happens.

Aside from the service pack I have no idea what could cause this difference.


On 20/01/2008, Renato Fabbri <> wrote:
Hi Chuck List,

Being my first post, thanks for all. I have been reading the list for
a while already, and thanks that too.

I am trying chuck on windows and it is being quite nice as all goes
well and smooth. Mini-audicle is the only noty boy here. When i exit
it, by alt+F4, clicking on the little X on top right, or by Alt+X, it
visually quits, but it still keeps a process "mini-audicle" in task

I am using Windows XP and mini-audicle (alpha). I had no
similar problems in Ubuntu. Have anyone seen something similar?

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