29 Dec
29 Dec
7:45 a.m.
Eric Hedekar;
It should be noted that chuck1.2.1.2 builds fine with gcc4.3 (though with many warnings), and therefore, by replacing the chuck1.2.1.1 folder in the miniAudicle with a chuck1.2.1.2 folder (and renaming it to be chuck1.2.1.1) before building, one can work around this bug.
Ah, yes, I meant to test that when it was reported that plain ChucK does compile. This is, BTW, exactly what I've been running on Linux for a few months now and it works perfectly, the Mini's "about" box even reports the right version. I just didn't know this affected matters because I had rolled that version before I updated my GCC Ok, so this is exclusively a MiniAudicle issue, I'll edit the bug report to note that Good work! Kas.