On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Michael Heuer
Mark Knecht wrote:
I've been trying to get started with Chuck today but am having problems. My platform is Gentoo 64-bit. I've tried compiling chuck with both Alsa and Jack support and am having some trouble with each.
Hello Mark, if you are on the gentoo 64-bit no-multilib profile then ChucK will compile but not work. You might be able to get things working if you are on multilib and can build 32-bit versions of ChucK's dependencies.
Thanks to Rogan for the welcome. Michael, Thanks for the feedback. I am using multilib but I presume that Chuck is being built as a 64-bit app. I'll have to learn how to build it as a 32-bit app. I've never done that. I made some small headway. If I first eselect the chuck.jack profile then the command chuck --srate44100 --loop starts Chuck as (I guess - I'm learning!) a Chuck server. At this point I see Chuck in qjackctl and everything is fine. (So far...) It's hooked up to some outputs on the HDSP9652 as it should be. I then execute in another terminal chuck + ChuckExample1.ck and I see this in the first terminal: mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ chuck --srate44100 --loop [chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (ChuckExample1.ck)...Segmentation fault mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ If it matters the example is just from the first page of the documentation: mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ cat ChuckExample1.ck // connect sine oscillator to D/A convertor (sound card) SinOsc s => dac; mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ I'll go read some Gentoo docs or ask for help on how to build as a 320bit app. Thanks, Mark