On 23 July 2011 13:58, Jonas Zeleninsky
So It will be RTAudio issue.
That would be my first bet, yes. Then again; the version of RTAudio that we use it out of date so the real cause of your issue might be some interface that may have been depreciated some time ago. In that case simply upgrading RTAudio might help. This is pure speculation, but I do seem to remember SC also uses RTAudio and they don't seem to have this problem.
By the way, anybody knows why was RTAudio selected (comparing to Portaudio for example) ? I am beginning to develop my own C audio applications and I would like to know which one is better :)
Yes. RTAudio is a cross-platform library for low-latency sound. That has clear advantages when you are releasing across several OS's like we are. I'm not sure how they compare when you are shooting for a OSX-exclusive application: PortAudio might be easier at the expense of hardships if you would later try to go cross-platform? Yours, Kas.