What's the chuck'ian idiom for driving a filter frequency from an envelope? Assume I have a primary signal chain that looks like this: Blit b => ResonZ z => Envelope e1 => dac; And I want to drive the center frequency of the ResonZ with another envelope. I know I could do it something like: Phasor constant => Envelope e2 => blackhole; constant.phase(1.0); ... and pepper my code with short delays that update the resonator's frequency: ... .01::second => now; z.freq(e2*440.0 + 100); ... but that seems both inelegant and computationally wasteful. I've looked at the .op inputs -- that may be the answer, but I can't quite tell from the documentation. So: is there a way to directly control the resonant frequency at the UG level without breaking back into "user code"? Thanks. - Rob