To get back to this for a moment; I was working with this same setup again and so again interested in interpolating data over the span of one block. At some point in a debugging process I had ChucK print the duration (in samples) since the last Hid message at the moment a message arrived. Mostly this resulted in numbers that were either my buffer size or a integer multiple of it but sometimes I got numbers that were slightly off (by a few samples, sometimes as much as a dozen or more) and would (apparently) be compensated for in the next frame. This was on Linux using a RT Kernel, BTW. To me this is a bit odd and slightly disturbing, could anybody with more insight in the internal workings of the engine shed some light on what I might be seeing there? In other news, I'm now convinced that having the duration of the block/frame size as a constant (like "samp") in the language would be a useful thing that we should seriously consider. Clearly it's not something that everybody needs all the time but there are occasions where it is very useful and it would increase the potential portability of code that uses realtime input as the framesize does affect how we can look at incoming data from within the language. Yours, Kas.