Hi! I would like to pass arrays of objects to a function taking an array of parent class as argument. I try different things but unfortunately I have compilation errors each time. The following example works with no array: class A { int a; } class B extends A { int b; } fun void plus(A arg) { arg.a ++; } B foo; 1 => foo.a; plus (foo); <<<"foo.a", foo.a>>>; But When I try the same with arrays it doesn't compile: [l13.ck]:line(22): argument type(s) do not match: [l13.ck]:line(22): ... for function 'plus(...)' ... [l13.ck]:line(22): ...(please check the argument types) class A { int a; } class B extends A { int b; } fun void plus(A arg[]) { for (0 => int i; i < arg.size() ; i++) { arg[i].a ++; } } B foo[2]; 1 => foo[0].a; 2 => foo[1].a; plus (foo); <<<"foo[0].a", foo[0].a>>>; <<<"foo[1].a", foo[1].a>>>; Any idea ? Thanks in advance and Happy new year!! Julien