12 Jun
12 Jun
11:39 a.m.
Hi fellow chuckers. this is my first contribution to the community - Hopefully some of you will find it useful / fun. http://github.com/jiyunatori/chuck launchpad.ck defines a class to interact with the Novation Launchpad controller. Right now it is far from complete, but the most important stuff is working: listening to press/release events, and controlling the LEDs. mluck.ck is a very basic clone of the excellent mlr app for the monome (http://docs.monome.org/doku.php?id=app:mlr), adapted to the launchpad. What it is doing: - play 8 pre-recorded loops in parallel (one per line) - jump around each loop with the main grid buttons - play/stop each loop with the scene buttons Feedbacks are welcomed ! enjoy Tom