Hi, well, netstat did not give any indication of problems with ports, so i investigated a little more and found that it has to do with the jackd server. I use the realtime scheduling option in jackd. If i start jackd with the -m (no memory lock) option, the problem i was describing earlier does not occur. So, issue solved/workarounded. Back to the book :) . e On 2015-06-09 21:37, Spencer Salazar wrote:
Interesting, someone has actually reported this in the past but Ive never been able to reproduce it. The two most likely explanations are either opening up a UDP listener port is forbidden by some security/firewall policy on your system (many OS's have started enabling these by default), or something else is using the port you are trying to create the OSC server on.
Im not sure how to test the former on Linux, but you can see if anything is listening on that port using netstat -lntu. If any of the ports on the local addresses (the part after : ) matches the OSC port you are trying to use, then that would be your problem- you can just use a different OSC port in ChucK in that case.