Hey Mike,

I usually assume that mathematically Q = f / Δf and this hasn't gotten me in trouble yet, but I am not a real audio engineering guy so maybe this could be false in some cases. 

In ChucK's case, for brf, the code looks like this:
    // set_brf
    inline void set_brf( t_CKFLOAT freq, t_CKFLOAT Q )
        t_CKFLOAT pfreq = freq * g_radians_per_sample;
        t_CKFLOAT pbw = 1.0 / Q * pfreq * .5;

so in that last line, Δω = ω/(2Q), so Q = ω/(2Δω) = f/(2Δf). I don't know for sure if the extra 2 in the denominator is a scaling factor or actually part of the Q-bandwidth relationship for this filter. I would be surprised if it was the latter though given the "standard" definition of Q one sees, given above. 

I can see how it would be confusing because the term Q is also used for the LPF and HPF filters as resonance, which is the gain of the peak at the cutoff frequency, in which case the f/Δf relation is not correct or even applicable. 


On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Michael Heuer <heuermh@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm currently using the C*APS Eq10 10-band equalizer


via the LADSPA ChuGin


as part of an effect but all I really need is something to scoop the
mids.  I thought I might use the BRF band reject filter


I can't tell how to set the bandwidth (or described another way, the
range of frequencies around the center frequency that are rejected by
the filter).  I went off into reading Miller Puckette's book Theory
and Techniques of Electronic Music


and am now lost somewhere in the imaginary plane.

The definition of the Q parameter seems to vary among the different
ChucK filters (resonance vs quality vs Q) and I suppose I should
understand what that means.  Feel free to tell me to go back to my
reading.  :)

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