Being able to redefine a variable in a tighter scope is a handy feature. It lets you think locally about your program, which is easier than thinking globally.

Imagine bar() was written first. Then adding foo to A would be an error—and not because there’s anything wrong with A, but because someone somewhere subclassed A and already used that variable in one of its functions. That’s weird.

On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 7:42 AM, Casper Schipper <> wrote:
Should it not be simply forbidden to redefine a variable like that in a sub-class ?
When you assign instead of declare, the problem disappears.
So perhaps, instead of 'fixing' the bug, we should forbid this kind of use of scope (chuck should throw an error if you try) ? 


class A 
    10000 => int foo;

class B extends A 
    fun void bar()
        // 0 => int foo;
        0 => foo;


        <<< "a", foo >>>;
            <<< "b", foo >>>;
        <<< "c", foo >>>;

B b;;

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Tom Lieber