Hi Ge, ssssounds great! i am still exploring chuck (currently trying to implement sample-timestretch, scroll down for a very messy & crude attempt) but i think this will be my tool of choice, so you can put me on the "list of places that use ChucK for education". best joerg Ge Wang wrote:
Hi Joerg!
btw: anyone using chuck for education? i am planning to use chuck in a class at university...
I think several institutions have started to use chuck as a teaching tool, both for audio synthesis and programming. We taught and are teaching the Princeton Laptop Orchestra with ChucK, and have been pleasantly surprised by the result. Last semester, we taught ChucK to 15 freshmen (none of whom had prior programming experience). They were hooked from the start (the assignments eventually included building a on-the-fly generative drum machine, a soundscape, duo and trio performances). The bulk of the success, I believe, was due to the sheer creative will and energy of the students (they all were fantastic), but it also proved to us that ChucK can be a viable and beneficial teaching tool.
Perry, Dan Trueman, Scott Smallwood, and students can provide better, potentially different, and more extended perspectives, this was just my 2::cent on ChucK and PLOrk.
If anyone else is using ChucK in the classroom (I know of folks at UVic, McGill, GA Tech, and few other places that use chuck to various degrees), we'd love to hear about it. Perhaps we can eventually make a list of places that use ChucK for education, and share our materials/experiences.
(Feel free to fire away.)
Best, Ge!
// the patch sndbuf buf => blackhole; impulse i => dac; // load the file "../data/voice.wav" => buf.read; 2000 => int looplength; 0.01 => float loopadvance; 0 => int sm; 0 => float rpos; // time loop while(true) { buf.valueAt(sm + (rpos $ int)) => i.next; if(sm > looplength) 0 => sm; else 1 +=> sm; if(rpos > buf.samples()-looplength) 0 => rpos; else loopadvance +=> rpos; 1::samp => now; } -- http://joerg.piringer.net http://www.transacoustic-research.com http://www.iftaf.org http://www.vegetableorchestra.org/