Hey, so how can I upgrade my Mini to the CVS version, with all the file IO capabilities? Or, even I successfully compiled the CVS command line version, but I've never compiled the Mini. I just found myself liking the pretty colored text.
Ok. i only did this on Ubuntu Linux. Other OS's may or may not present hurdles, particularly where newer and more strict versions of GCC are concerned. I did this with but CVS will likely work as well. Download the source of the ChucK version you want. *optionally edit it to have things like Tom's fix for CNoise and or other things you might like (CVS may have this already). Download the source of the latest Mini. browse the mini source to find the chuck directory, I think it refers to chuck1.2.1.1. Delete all that's in that directory but leave the dir be. Dump your downloaded ChucK source in there, it should look a lot like it did before. Compile the mini as per the documented instructions, you'll need some extra libraries over plain ChucK, especially that widgets thingy, but this is documented and none of it very exotic. This process will now compile the ChucK version we cunningly pretended is the one it knows as a part of it's compile. Ignore all other bits of the source. Pour yourself a drink while it compiles. Start your new Mini and resolve to write a small canon for Wurley and Moog in d#minor to verify that it works. Pour another drink while you look in the manual for the exact name of Moog's sweep rate. (stuff happens) Look up to see the dawn, realising you just wrote another experimental gabber piece that you forgot to record but content with your new mini. Some of these steps may be optional but this way it works for me. This won't fly for the full Audicle for reasons unknown. Yours, Kas.