On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Michael Heuer
Mark Knecht wrote:
I've been trying to get started with Chuck today but am having problems. My platform is Gentoo 64-bit. I've tried compiling chuck with both Alsa and Jack support and am having some trouble with each.
Hello Mark, if you are on the gentoo 64-bit no-multilib profile then ChucK will compile but not work. You might be able to get things working if you are on multilib and can build 32-bit versions of ChucK's dependencies.
Hey Michael, Thanks for the idea. I got lucky. After looking at waht Chuck installed I saw that it was really just a single file for each sound environment. (Alsa and Jack in my case) I built Chuck on my wife's 32-bit Gentoo machine and copied the executables to my 64-bit desktop. The Alsa one seems to work fine. I've playing a number of donated files from the forums and they seem to be working fine. The Jack version isn't working. That may be a mismatch between the ways the two machines are set up so I'll check that out later, but for now at least I have sound and can start studying. I apprecaite your help! Cheers, Mark