Kassen wrote:
Some notes on your method; you are using a file (and hence a shred) per Ugen. I believe there to be some small overhead for the usage of a shred so I believe you may be ending up with slightly high numbers.
I'll check the difference. But it seems to me that for this purpose ("which of A and B is more expensive") it doesn't matter since we're interested in the relative speed of code.
As for further tests that might be useful/ interesting; you could compare the Blit osc's to the regular ones (as well as try to deterimine what -if any- difference the amount of harmonics makes). Another interesting thing to compare might be LiSa with multiple voices v.s. as many copies of SndBuf.
Agreed, and I have lot's of other ideas + plan on testing things as they occur in my work.
If at all possible it would also be interesting to fully automate a series of tests like this so we could compare versions of ChucK later.
You're absolutely right. I actually started something automatic, but got stuck, and thought a "by-hand" start was better than nothing. I'll for sure see if I can make a 100% automatic test. Thanks for your feedback! -- Atte http://atte.dk http://modlys.dk