Tomasz; Perhaps responders to this thread can indicate if they have experience
working with git or other similar scm, to gauge how much of a barrier this might be.
Sadly none. I'm up for anything as long as there are some pointers and a assurance that i can't break anything.
I'm comfortable working with git. But i wonder how many other chuckists are used to scm systems. I underestimated the difficulty with which new users can get to grips with a scm system; A few months back i tried to encourage the max/msp using monome community to adopt git (and github) to avoid the fragmentation i was seeing with many different versions of monome apps. I posted a tutorial on how to use git for max, evangelised about the benefits, but for whatever reason it didn't work out. I think this was because for most people the tech barrier with git (or any scm) was too high.
Ok. So we need some info on why this is a good idea here and how to use it for this purpose. It'd be especially good if it were fun and easy as well. If need be we may need to add a wiki page, or simple list posts to this. I suspect there are quie a few lurkers here, people who have questions they feel might be silly, and that's exactly the kind of person who could make a very important contribution here so I feel we should try to make that sort of thing as easy as possible. There is more to manuals that the letter of the text anyway so we may need more layers than just a method to add text; questions might be at least as valuable in this case. In my earlier post I took a subject I'd like to write on just because I had questions on that before myself... but maybe this isn't a topic that a lot of people are fighting with. Maybe MIDI-out is much more important to a more people; I have some gut-feelings but I don't know for sure.
I think chuck users are more likely to be used to a scm system already, but if i were choosing how to publish editable ChucK documentation, i think i'd still choose for a web based editing system like FLOSS manuals, because it'd be a shame to have technology get in the way of people feeling as though they can contribute.
I could see how that would help, yes. Is this practical on Adam's end at all? What systems are there and can we get those installed somewhere? Kas.